Our cuisine
When we talk about the work of Lucía Freitas, we are talking about Galicia, its culture, its heritage, but especially its market halls. Her gastronomic concept is anchored to Galicia through her dishes and Santiago de Compostela's Central Market Hall.
With Galician produce from the coast and the vegetable garden as the backbone of her cuisine, the chef revives ancestral cuisines by using local ingredients and a strong work of research on traditions and methodological evolution.
Lucía Freitas
Lucía Freitas was born in 1982 in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain). At the age of 19, she began her studies at the Advanced School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management in Artxanda (Bilbao). That was the beginning of her journey through a path full of hard work and dedication with a never-ending desire to learn from the best.
My philosophy of life and work is perennially maintained over time. It is the concept of my cuisine that grows and changes with me naturally as I myself evolve and mature.
A chef galega do momento pasou de servir menús do día para saír na guía máis importante do mundo. Non foi fácil: dificultades de conciliación, problemas económicos e unha enfermidade marcaron o seu camiño.